Credit Score IQ Review
See what’s impacting your credit score today and how your financial actions can help you achieve your goals! Get report analysis, recommendations, simulations, and additional benefits with the ScoreCasterIQ tool.
  • Instant Access to All 3 Credit Scores
  • Customized Report Analysis
  • Short-Term and Long-Term Action Recommendations
  • Target Score Simulations
  • Subscription price per month: $34.99
  • Minimum age: 18 years


Credit Score IQ tool - ScoreCasterIQ goes beyond the typical credit report or credit score simulator. The ScoreCasterIQ report includes customized analysis that can help you determine which accounts are impacting your score. The report highlights elements of each account that should be reviewed for accuracy and includes links to specific recommendations. ScoreCasterIQ recommendations include a summary of all suggested actions based on the current credit report. These may include actions for you to consider that will have an impact in the short-term, like paying down debt or utilizing an existing account. They may also include longer-term recommendations like opening new accounts to improve the balance of credit types. 

Service includes

  • 3 Bureau Credit Report & Scores

  • ScoreCasterIQ (ScoreCasterIQ Report, Recommendations, Simulations)
  • Enhanced Credit Monitoring
  • Score Change Alerts
  • Dark Web & Internet Monitoring
  • SSN trace
  • Criminal Records Monitoring
  • Synthetic ID Theft
  • File Sharing Networks

Additional information

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